Specialized Services

Photography in general

And drones in particular have an unlimited capacity for innovation, creative expression and eye catching appeal. Critically important is pre­ planning and setup asvery few fantastic shots are accidental. One of the great aspects of drone video is the ability to bring movement and action to the project. Circling videos, moving in and out or up and down always adds another dimension to a presentation

Twilight Photography

This is a great example of a spectacular photograph.The setting sun and high contrast scene adds a special touch to the ordinary photograph.
There is only about 30 minutes to take the shot and everything needs to be in place: Location, orientation, altitude, camera settings, lighting; not to mention the ideal weather and sky conditions. The end result will leave a lasting impression.
Specialized Services

Time-lapse Photography

This method can be performed with still or video photgraphy and typically is used to show movement over time. So, if you position a camera at a busy intersection and shoot 1frame every minute or so, when placed onto a video time-line you will see speeded up movement for the duration of the clip. A construction Time-Lapse can also document the building of a work site or home over time to be shown back in video over a condensed period of time, say 2-3 minutes.Very useful and entertaining. Additionally. drones have the unique ability to add motion to a Time-Lapse Video rather than from a fixed viewpoint. If the duration is extended for months or years, the drone can take video clips that when stitched together will have the same effect of condensing the event to the same 2-3 minutes or as requested.

Customer Requirements

Every customer has their own unique set of expectations and requirements. XdvrDrones is committed to addressing this need and coming up with the perfect scenario to perform the mission.
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